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December Daily: 7th

I washed dishes today.

I attempted to scrub the kitchen sink today.

Yes, these are my first baby steps at getting back to my *pre-injury* home routines. Slow and steady.

I got injured in May. This is December. Six and a half months is a long time. Our home was not maintained properly during this time. We focused more on our day-to-day needs rather than the big picture. It didn’t get super horrible but I am definitely not proud of it right now.

Today, I begin the reclamation project – the final phase of recovery.

After lunch, I’ll wash dishes again. I might even scrub the dining table.

One foot in front of the other. Every little bit helps.

We decorated the Christmas Tree last night while listening to the “Seasonal Sounds” music channel on the cable (Music Choice – I think?). They played some great tunes which helped get us in the spirit.

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